BlueCloud is a BlueSquare Sponsor at Snowflake Data Cloud Summit 2024

BlueCloud Work Culture

You are Family at BlueCloud

At BlueCloud employees are treated as the most important part of the organization. Treating employees like family at BlueCloud means promoting respect and trust, supporting and complimenting each other, winning together and living BlueCloud C3 values.

The C3 values are

  • C - Care for Customers & BlueStars
  • C - Open Culture
  • C - Continuous Learning & Innovation
Four elements that Promote Our Open Work Culture

Work culture is a term that refers to the environment of the workplace. It's the general mood and atmosphere of the business. We believe, better work culture nurtures better productivity and better relationships.

The four key elements of our work culture.

1. The Right People

When the right people come together then good things can happen for the company in this fast paced digital world. We spend a lot of time evaluating the personalities of our future employees as they represent our brand BlueCloud. We bet on 3As i.e., Attitude, Aspiration and Adaptability

2. The Right Purpose

We make sure everyone in the office knows the company’s mission and purpose. We then act as pro sports team where everyone is trusted, empowered, and are involved together. All BlueStars have a clear roles and responsibilities that drive them towards the goal with focus and motivation. We encourage them to be creative in their work as Creativity helps drive our business to new heights. BlueCloud also ensures that employees’ best interests are taken care of and encourage them to ACT i.e., Agility, Creativity and Transformation.

3. The Right Ideas

We have an open door policy for all our employees. We want employees to take control and be a self-starter. They are free to throw ideas and try them out. Not all ideas work, but everyone feels like they can test their ideas and this positive work culture allows them to be expressive and demonstrative innovation. BlueCloud also provides needed ecosystem where you can brainstorm on your ideas constructively and build on them. Having this open communication leads us to success in innovations and help every BlueStar have their IDS i.e., Ideate, Demonstrate and Scale

4. The Right Team

Our team is all about unleashing the potential of one’s performance, and supporting each other to strive for success. The better the team works together, more likely we reach our goals faster and support customer much better. In a team, different people contribute in valuable ways. Everyone understands that differences between individuals aren’t a detraction but a condition for success. So, most important aspect of our team building culture is to PAT – Perform, Acknowledge and Triumph for one another.

Why Work Culture is Important

We want our BlueStars to enjoy their work and challenge themselves, have a firm identity and feeling of camaraderie, give and take respect, (un)learn and innovate. Personal success leading to overall company success can only be achieved when learn to BYE - Better Yourself Everyday