Reflections on my time at BlueCloud after quite a memorable week

Written by: Bill Tennant

Since joining BlueCloud in October 2022, I have been continually impressed by the progress, available opportunity, and scalable growth of our dynamic company. Having worked with this team across dozens of customers in the 12 months prior to joining, I knew how incredible the people were and how the business focused on its customers above all else. Every customer I have spoken with shares with me the value of our work together, the talents of our team, and how great it is to have us operating as their partner.

As I reflect on my time here, the activities of this past week - when viewed holistically - very clearly show the achievement of some of our short-term objectives; and the momentum that will allow us to achieve our long-term goals. It is also a very real reminder that our work is just beginning.

On Wednesday, March 1st, the BlueCloud leadership team had the opportunity to present to the Snowflake Americas Enterprise Leadership team in San Mateo and host a Happy Hour as part of their overall week of planning. We have all been involved in presentations to leadership teams at large and small companies, but this was different. Being seen as valuable contributors to the growth of one of Snowflake’s largest teams does not come without countless hours of effort by every single member of BlueCloud and the support of the Snowflake Partner team, as well as every level of the Snowflake organization. Even with this commitment and support, without our experience delivering large-scale digital transformation initiatives, we would remain just one of many partners. In order to stand out enough to be invited into this room, BlueCloud has been relentlessly focused on executing a differentiating approach to delivering value; both to our Partners and to our Customers.

We are investing heavily in a model that supports this level of differentiation. This meeting further validated that our efforts are being seen as a way to scale our joint initiatives and grow together.

My takeaways from this meeting...

  1. Our approach to leveraging expert teams within our Borderless Delivery model is transformational - all of our stakeholders internally and externally see this premium delivery, yet cost-effective model as tremendously valuable.
  2. BlueCloud’s engagement process from initial outreach to initial engagement, and ultimately long-term partner (not just vendor) allows us to clearly add value within our key focus areas.
  3. Our work is just beginning - Our continuous improvement model and ability to execute across a complex network of customers and partners will only continue to grow - our entire organization is focused on moving this forward.
  4. BlueCloud’s value is multi-pronged, but the key to this is delivering successfully on every interaction, every time. Healthy, scalable growth is how we continue to find success with our differentiated model.

What we have done to get here:

  1. Focus on customer value - deliver the best technology, strategy, and process with the highest quality resources, at cost-effective rates and proactively seek ways to improve the top and bottom line of our customers.
  2. Focus on our core strengths - We work strategically with the top technologies within our Partnership Matrix, such as Snowflake and ThoughtSpot. To be the best, we dedicated ourselves to the value of the Modern Data Stack and refused to accept mediocrity.
  3. Be different - The Data & Analytics service delivery space is ripe for transformation. We’ve viewed the world with an open mind and supported models that are both creative and share in the risk associated with these types of projects with our customers and partners.
  4. Add Value in every interaction - The BlueCloud team has a clear objective...add value. Every discussion and every action we take should add value in some way. If the action we are about to take does not lead to this objective, we question our plan and motives.

If it hasn’t been clear throughout, what drives me is our ability to impact the future of some of the greatest companies in the world, spending time with our customers is ranked as my number one priority and frankly, is my favorite part of this work. After our time in San Mateo, our CEO, Kerem Koca, and I took an overnight flight to Fort Lauderdale to ensure we could spend time with customers, prospective customers, and the local Snowflake teams at the Snowflake Data For Breakfast and our Happy Hour that followed. Hearing about both positive and negative impacts of the current economic climate and how our approach can support these great people and their organizations reminds me every day that we must double-down on our approach so that we can positively impact more people in the coming weeks, months and years.

Thank you to the entire BlueCloud organization for your unwavering focus and dedication. The overwhelming support of our Customers and Partners would not be possible without your commitment to excellence.